Terrorism and Extremism
The most frequently use word over last decade is Terrorism
and some may correlate it with extremism. Everyone defines it in a different perspective.
Some define it as
killing of innocent people. Some says it must also include any act to spread
terror in the society, various others defines it in a different perspective.
Honestly to me, i think every action
to rob others' rights is a terrorist act.
The most terrifying thing is connecting terrorism with few people and
leaving other doing same sort of acts. This leads to confusions.
It is common all over the world.
After 9/11 the whole world has changed, there are; social
changes, geographical changes, socio economic changes as well. Some of
these changes has positive aspects and some of them has negative effects. This word
terrorism gained popularity after 9/11. After 9/11 America and his allies attacked Afghanistan to destroy Al Qaeda as
they think the whole of the terrorist activities are performed by Al
Qaeda. Their aim was to capture Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Umar. Now in 2015
they are moving back without having arrested Mullah Umar and as for as Osama Bin
Laden is considered the whole world is still not clear, whether he
was really killed by American troops or not. This situation was also created by American Government itself because after that operation (in which according to them Osama
Bin laden was shot dead) they didn't show enough proofs to the whole media. So the
question arises that why they didn't show his dead body to the world? So it’s up
to you to decide.
Now coming back to the topic terrorism in any shape must
not be acceptable. Everyone has the
right to have opinion but when someone try to impose his opinion on
other there comes a reaction.
There are various types of terrorism but currently whole
media is talking about a single type of terrorism and connecting this to Islam
or to with Muslims. There is no connection between Islam and Terrorism and it can't be justified or proved that only Muslims involved in terrorist
activities. There are many examples of such incidents all over the world where
the terrorists were not Muslims few examples are Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, Mao,
In India and majority of u will be definitely aware of the fact that an American
court summoned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his involvement in killing
of Muslims in Gujarat. But no one is considering this as terrorist activity.
One other Example:
The whole international community has condemned
drone attacks and considered them as human rights violation but America and his
allies don't care about all this. They continue to use drones in Pakistan as well
as in few other countries. This must also be included in an act of terrorism
because just imagine that everyday drones fly over your house and you don't know
when it will be your number because there are many innocent people had been
killed in those drone attacks .One other Example:
Just imagine the condition of those people living under such circumstances where you don't know when suddenly a missile will hit your house or vain and in seconds you and your family will be finished. how do u feel living under such circumstances
So what do you feel whether the are interpreting this right or wrong ? Your views are much important.
I want to hear from you.
I want to hear from you.